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    作者:huizhanhao1  浏览:1001次  
    展览时间:2022-03-3104-02 展览地点:北京国家会议中心

    ○ 展会概况




    Founded in 1989 by President Maya of the National Federation of Industry and Commerce Beauty and Cosmetics Chamber of Commerce, the Beijing Beauty and Cosmetics Association was held in February and July at the Beijing National Convention Center and is one of the largest professional exhibitions of beauty cosmetics in China.

    2017 China (Guangzhou) International Beauty Expo swings north to China International Weight Loss Conference strong joint, with the two sides unmatched resource advantages and curatorial experience, successfully held the 22nd Beijing International Beauty Expo, in order to create a greater foundation for the Great Northern Beauty Industry, continue to serve the Great North and surrounding areas of the United States market, and as an important part of the U.S. industry system, play an irreplaceable role in the industry. Beijing Jiamei Exhibition as one of the most trusted U.S. Expo organizers in the Great North, we will take the capital's economic circle as the basis, using Beijing's special background and geographical advantages, for exhibitors to build an industry standard release, implementation and international exchange center as an opportunity for the United States platform, the latest development of the industry information, in order to achieve efficient mutual cooperation efforts. Beijing International Beauty Expo in the Great Northern Region in the United States Expo, become the industry can not miss the United States event.
    专业美容: 美容院护肤品、美体产品、减肥产品技术以及设备、美容仪器、纹绣、香薰、美甲产品及工具、原料、OEM、ODM等供应链产品

    大健康: 艾灸类、精油药油类、美容健康饮品、养生保健产品、健康管理产品

    日化产业链: 护肤类、洗护类、彩妆类、香水类、美妆工具类、孕婴童护理类、口腔护理类、男士护理类、家用洗涤类、零售连锁加盟等

    美发产品: 洗护染烫产品、发制品、养发育发产品、发用饰品、美发设备类、沙龙等

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  • 上一篇:2022上海个人护理展时间
  • 下一篇:2022年上海美容展时间
  • 信息来源:深圳市展览服务有限公司
    发布时间:2021/6/14 10:53:23  更新时间:2024/4/26
    相关信息: 2022年北京美博会时间2022北京化妆品展时间2022北京个人护理展

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